NcStudio Controller Chinese-English User Manual
1. Chinese-English Words and phrases for NcStudio
2D plt depth 二维PLT加工深度
About NcStudio 关于NcStudio
Acceleration 加速度
Advanced functions 高级加工指令
Advanced MDI 执行加工指令
Advanced start 高级开始
All axes 全部轴
Auto 自动
Auto mode parameter 自动参数
Auxiliary functions 辅助功能
Background 背景
Bottom view 仰视图
Calibration 对刀
Cancel 取消
Center of circle 圆心坐标
Center view 居中
Change description 变换说明
Clear view 清除画面
Close 关闭
Connection acceleration 设定弯道加速度
Coordiate 坐标
Copy 复制
Current 实际值
Current coordinate 当前工件坐标点
Customize 属性
Cut 剪切
Deepen 0.01mm 下降0.01毫米
Delta 差值
Depth 雕刻深度
Disable mechanical limits 限位释放
Draw the mechanical limit frame 显示行程范围
Edit 编辑
Edit loaded file 编辑当前加工程序
Editor 程序编辑
End (mechanical) coor 终点(机械)坐标
Enter simulation mode then start 进入仿真模式并开始仿真
Execute 执行
Exit 退出
Federate 进给速率
File 文件
File information 加工程序信息
File name 文件名
Find 查找
Find the next 查找下一个
Fit to window 调整至窗口大小
Front view 正视图
Full screen 全屏
G00 feedrate 空程速度
H8 高度
Help 帮助
Horizontal 横铣
how log window 显示系统日志窗口
I/O state IO状态
Import parameter 文件输入
Inner 内框
Jiggle 微调
JOG 点动
Jog feedrate 手动速度
Left view 左视图
Limit 限位
Linear acceleration 单轴加速度
List view 列表
Load the saved workpiece origin 读取保存过的工件原点
Log 系统日志
M.coor 机械坐标
Machine 机床
Machining 加工参数
Machining feedrate 机器速度
Machining range 加工范围
Manager 程序管理
Manual 手动
Max 最大
Maximum rpm of the spindle 主轴最高转速
Midpoint 中点
Midpoint X轴中点
Min 最小
Mirror axis 轴镜像
Mobile calibrator 浮动对刀
Mobile calibrator 对刀块
Motion range 运动范围
Motor parameter 电机参数
Move to reference point 回机械原点
Move to workpiece origin 回工件原点
New 新建加工程序
No information 没有加工文件信息
Normal jog feedrate 手动低速
Northeast 东北等轴侧视图
Northwest view 西北等轴侧视图
Note 注意
OK 确定
Open and load 打开并编辑
Operator 操作
Order 序号
Outer 外框
Parameter 系统参数
Paste 粘贴
Pause 暂停
Pin 引脚号
PLU per mm PLT单位每毫米
Pol.. 极性
Radius 圆弧半径
Raise 0.01mm 上升0.01毫米
Rapid jog feedrate 手动高速
Ratio 显示比例
Recent edited file 最近编辑的加工程序
Recent loaded file 最近装载的加工程序
Record X X轴记录
Rectange frame mill 铣矩形边框
Rectange mill 矩形铣底
Remaine 剩余距离
Repeat 替换
Report view 详细资料
Resume 断点继续
Right view 右视图
Round frame Mill 铣圆形边框
Round mill 圆形铣底
Safe h8 退刀点
Save 保存
Save and load 保存并装载
Save as 另存为
Save the current workpiece origin 保存当前工件原点
Select all 全选
Set work coordinate offset 设置运动坐标偏移
Set workpiece coordinate 设置当前点工件坐标
Set workpiece origin 设置当前点为工件原点
Setting 设定值
Setting directly 直接设置
Show all point 显示所有输入输出点
Show auto window 显示自动窗口
Show current point 显示当前加工点
Show editor window 显示程序编辑窗口
Show file line number 显示加工程序序号
Show file manager window 显示程序管理窗口
Show I/O state window 显示IO状态窗口
Show manual window 显示手动窗口
Show parameter window 显示系统参数窗口
Show this dialog-box while running 执行加工指令时仍显示本窗口
Show trace window 显示加工轨迹窗口
Simulate port 仿真输入点
Single block 单段执行
Southeast view 东南等轴侧视图
Southwest 西南等轴侧视图
Space 刀尖间距
Spindle 主轴参数
Spindle high rev 主轴高速
Spindle low rev 主轴低速
Spindle medial rev 主轴中速
Start 开始
Start (mechanical) coor 起点(机械)坐标
"Start point(i.e. ,bottom-left corner)" 开始左边(即坐下角坐标)
Start up/stop delay of the spindle 主轴启动(停止)时间
Status bar 状态栏
Stop 停止
Tag 名称
Thickness of the mobile calibrator 对刀块的厚度
Tip of the day 每日提示
Toggle polarity 反向该点极性
Tool bar 工具栏
Tool radius 刀具直径
Top view 俯视图
Total time 花费时间
Trace 跟踪颜色
Trace 加工轨迹
Trace current line 跟踪加工程序当前行
Turn on coolant 冷却开启
Turn on spindle 主轴开启
Undo 撤消
Unit: mm 单位:毫米
Unload 卸载
Vertical 纵铣
View 查看
W.coor 工件坐标
Width 宽度
Windows 窗口
Workbench 工作台行程
Z axis Z轴
Zoom in 缩小
Zoom out 放大
Zoom ratio 显示比例
2. Chinese-English Sentence interpretation for NcStudio
Clear view after opening a new file
Enable the default spindle rpm, and ignore the rm declare in the file
Enable the default feedrate, and ignore declared in the file
Enable the self-adaption optimization algorithm for the feedrate ,which will give better performance of machining effection
IJK increment mode, which means IJK values at a circle G code are incremental values from the center of the circle
In order to avoid the position error caused by accidental cause, such as power off, emergency stop .please carry out this step to build or correct the mechanical coordinate after software starts up and an emergency stop occurred.
Input displacement-per-pulse of each axis, which are the displacement between cutter and workbench wherever the motor receives a pulse
Note : please restart after changing above parameters
Please input the password to open the manufactory parameter window
Push the left button, then all axes move to the reference point in order Z, X and Y axes
Please select one of the following 3 ways
Push the left buttons, then corresponding axis moves back to the mechanical reference points
Reverse axis Z when import (plt or eng) file
Safe h8 is the Z-axis workpiece coordinate where tools does never touch workpieces accidentally
Set the workbench dimensions, which decide when the system raises an out-of-limit alarm after the mechanical coordinate has become effective
Set the angle-per-pulse while Y axis is a revolving axis
The time is calculated at 100% federate, perhaps not equal to the actual value
Tip : press TURBO(or CTRL) key jog more rapidly
Tip : this dialog-box is a model-less, it means the main window is still active
To perform a calibration action, Continue ?
You can validate the mechanical coordinate directly if you confirm that you had done this step at the last start-up and *The machine is not powered off *No emergency stop occurred
如果你肯定当前位置与机械坐标一致,请执行直接设定操作。你必须确保在此之前:*机床没有关闭过 *机床没有紧停发生过