Last Updated: 2024-07-30 By 2 Min Read

150W Multi-Head Laser Cutting Machine in the United States

The STJ1325-4 CO2 laser cutter in USA comes with 4 laser cutting heads that can cut simultaneously to perform tasks on a variety non-metallic materials, such as plywood, foam, leather, plastic, and acrylic. This design enhances efficiency and productivity by allowing for the execution of multiple cuts or operations at once, reducing processing time for complex designs. Multi-head laser cutting systems are typically used in industries such as industrial manufacturing, sign making, prototyping, artsand crafts, where precision and speed are essential.

Multi-head laser cutting machine in USA

Four-head laser cutting machine in the United States

Multi-head CO2 laser cutter in the United States

Four-head CO2 laser cutter in USA

150W CO2 laser cutting EVA foam projects in USA

To learn more about the STJ1325-4 CO2 laser cutting machine in the United States, click on the thumbnail below to find machine details and pricing, as well as get your free quote.

Multi-head laser cutting machine

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