CNC Lathe Machine Turning Wooden Vases & Bowls Projects
Review CNC lathe machine turning wooden vases & bowls projects as reference to buy the best power wood turning tools for your woodworking plans.
Find and get free CNC wood lathe machine turning projects for handrails, staircase pillars, staircase railings, stair columns, stair balusters and spindles.
Features of CNC Wood Lathe for Turning Staircase Pillar
1. Maximum working length is 1500mm, Max.turning diameter is 300mm.
2. The wood turning lathe machine has 4 cutters at 2 sides of the machine, the 4 cutters work together,improve the efficiency greatly.
3. Taiwan PMI helical guide Germany ball screw,high precision and durable.
4. Heavy Cast iron lathe bed. avoid shaking when the spindle rotates fast or the big sizes workpiece process, and the main spindle speed can be adjusted through the frequency converter.
5. Easy operation, we can draw by AutoCAD and other softwares, transfer the files to machine by a USB.
6. Spindle speed data is shown on the cabinet panel.
6. DSP handle controller with USD interface, it is easier for allign cutters than computer. AutoCAD software, it is easier for drawing design.
Review CNC lathe machine turning wooden vases & bowls projects as reference to buy the best power wood turning tools for your woodworking plans.
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Need a lathe to make stair balusters and spindles? Here are some popular stair newel posts turned or milled by automatic CNC wood lathe machines for reference.