7 Easy Ways to Laser Rust Removal from Metal

Last Updated: 2022-01-25 11:30:09 By Jimmy with 1995 Views

This video shows 7 different easy ways to laser rust removal from metal surface with 1000W portable handheld laser rust cleaning machine with fiber laser generator.

7 Easy Ways to Laser Rust Removal from Metal
4.8 (37)

Video Description

The laser powers include 1000W, 1500W, and 2000W to choose for the handheld laser rust removal machine, there are different rust removal modes to choose so you can clean many different irregular metal objects, the laser wire cable is 10 meters long, the laser rust removal gun is handheld, and there are wheels under the portable laser rust removal machine, so you can move it to any place easily.

Laser rust removal, also known as laser cleaning, depends on the characteristics of the laser generated by the laser generator, based on the photophysical reaction caused by the interaction between the high-intensity beam, the short-pulse laser and the contamination layer. Its physical principles can be summarized as follows:

1. The beam emitted by the laser is absorbed by the contamination layer on the surface to be treated.

2. The absorption of large energy forms a rapidly expanding plasma (highly ionized unstable gas), which generates a shock wave.

3. The shock wave breaks the contaminants into fragments and is rejected.

4. The light pulse width must be short enough to avoid heat build-up that would damage the surface being treated.

Experiments have shown that when there is oxide on the metal surface, the plasma is generated on the metal surface.

Therefore, laser rust removal can not only be used to clean organic pollutants, but also can be used to clean inorganic substances, including metal rust, metal particles, dust, etc. And it has the characteristics of non-contact, no grinding, no thermal effect, etc., and is considered to be the most reliable and effective rust removal method. At the same time, laser rust removal can also solve problems that cannot be solved by traditional cleaning methods.

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