3D Laser Marking Machine for Marking Curve Surface

Last Updated: 2020-01-07 13:56:29 By Cherry with 1112 Views

This video shows our 3D laser marking machine engraving 3D curved surface on metal kettle, now it's on sale with lowest price.

3D Laser Marking Machine for Marking Curve Surface
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Video Description

3D Laser Marking Machine

Features and advantages of 3D Laser Marking Machine:

1. Higher speed: High-power fiber laser technology. In addition to 30W,we also developed the same type of the highest power laser engraving machine ,air-cooled 100W new models, significantly increased marking speed, improve production efficiency and quality marking.

2. More suitable for engraving depth: The traditional scan mode, with the laser engraving,The focus getting away from the working surface, the energy transfer can not fully enter the state. The dynamic marking can automatically adjust the focus to the surface.The item always be marked the highest energy density.

3. More Accuracy: The traditional fiber uses fixed focus laser marking system, If the processing range too big,it will in the defocus state. Three-axis scanning systems can arbitrarily change the traditional fixed focus length of the laser marking machine, always realized the angle marking processing according to the workpiece dimensions.

4. Adapt to a variety of shapes carved: Three-Axis control can free control the focal length, can be in any shape precision marking. Not only can cope with all kinds of stepped surfaces, but also to achieve non-discriminatory marking on various shapes. After pre-register the workpiece shape, you only need to change the focal length ,it can corresponding to different products, different marking location and shape change. Without physically moving the workpiece and the machine to complete the switching operation.

5. A wide range of precision: Precise marking on a large 100mm * 100mm area.Z-axis has a variable focal length 40mm.Through 3-axis control to avoid the deformation, distortion, the light spot deviation,etc caused by the traditional F-lens characteristics . Even in marking edge of the area,it can be precise focus, to achieve non-discriminatory engraving.

6.More convenient: Just select from standard shapes, you can easily convert 3D settings. When you confirm the 3-dimensional preview screen,at same time to adjust the size or location. Easy preview.

3D laser marking machine is suitable for all kinds of metals and nonmetals laser marking on 3D surface. It’s widely used in mobile manufacture, cubic circuits, medical equipments, moulds, 3C electronics, auto parts, electronic communication, etc.

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